
Registration FAQ

I see both “Register” buttons and “Waitlist” buttons. What is the difference?

If a class has the “Register” button next to it, that means there are openings for that class time and you can enroll in it now. If it says “Waitlist” next to the class, then that class time is currently full so you can enroll on the waitlist to be notified when the next available spot opens up. Waitlists are a first come, first serve basis and does not guarantee an opening for that particular class time.

How old does my child have to be to start Beginner Gymnastics?

All gymnasts taking a Beginner level class or above must be at least 5 years old. If you are looking for gymnastics classes, but your child is not yet 5 years of age, check out our Preschool Class Options!

The class time I want isn’t available. Now what?

If the class time you were wanting to register for is no longer available, we encourage you to register for the waitlist and/or another class time until your first choice has an opening. We tend to move through waitlists throughout the year as students change class times and move up to the next levels.

How do these waitlists work? Can my child still be enrolled in a class AND be on a waitlist at the same time?

Of course! If your first choice in class time was full when you registered for classes so you signed up for a different time, you can still have your child on the waitlist for the desired time. Waitlists are not a guarantee that your child will eventually get a spot in that class. If all of your desired class times are full, we suggest getting on several waitlists to increase your chances of getting a spot in a class quickly.

I see the class time I want, but there is no “Register” or “Waitlist” button. What’s up with that?

If you do not see a button that says “Register” or “Waitlist” next to your desired class, then that means that particular class has no openings for either the class or waitlist. Keep checking back to see if a spot opens up for the waitlist!

Summer 2024 Classes

Summer 2024 Classes

Please note that ALL classes are billed monthly.

Interested in our current School Year Session Classes? Send us a message through our contact form.

Preschool Class Options


2-3 Year Old Gymnastics

This is a great class to start your little ones in! All of our 2-3-Year-Old Gymnastics classes are led by one of our trained instructors and require the involvement of at least one parent/guardian with your child during class. All 2-Year-Old classes meet once a week for 45 minutes.


4 Year Old Gymnastics

This is the perfect introduction to gymnastics for your 4 Year Old before moving in to our School Age classes. We have an entire section of the gym dedicated to our little ones and all classes are led by a trained instructor. All 4 Year Old classes meet once a week for 45 minutes.

School Age Class Options


Beginner Gymnastics

Beginner Gymnastics is the starting point for any new student who has had little to no experience in the sport. This is where our students learn the very basics of gymnastics and start to build their foundation of skills. At this level, students will be introduced to gymnastics terminology and start to get comfortable on the different pieces of equipment in the gym. All Beginner Gymnastics classes meet once a week for 60 minutes.


Advanced Beginner Gymnastics

Advanced Beginner Gymnastics is the next level up from Beginner where students will fine-tune their basic skills and gymnastics foundation before moving up to Intermediate Gymnastics. At this level, students should have a basic knowledge of gymnastics terminology and be comfortable in all of the apparatuses of the sport. Students must have tested out of Beginner Gymnastics to move in to this level. All Advanced Beginner Gymnastics classes meet once a week for 60 minutes.


Intermediate Gymnastics

Intermediate Gymnastics is where students will continue building on the skills they have mastered in Beginner and Advanced Beginner Gymnastics. Intermediate Gymnastics works on progressing from basic skills in to more complicated skills and combinations. With harder, more intricate skills, comes a need for additional training. Students must have tested out of Beginner and Advanced Beginner Gymnastics to move on to this level. All Intermediate Gymnastics classes meet once a week for 90 minutes.


Advanced Gymnastics

Advanced Gymnastics is where everything comes together and each student’s hard work really pays off! At this level, the sky is the limit and there is no skill out of reach as gymnasts will continue to master their skills and adding even more advanced skills to their foundation. Students at this level must have mastered all skills required in Beginner, Advanced Beginner, and Intermediate Gymnastics and be evaluated by an Advanced Gymnastics instructor. All Advanced Gymnastics classes meet once a week for 90 minutes.


Beginner Tumbling

Beginner Tumbling is designed for students who have never tumbled before or are still learning to master the basic tumbling skills. At this level, students are learning the basics and building blocks of tumbling which will allow them to eventually move on to bigger and harder skills. In Beginner Tumbling, students will utilize the tumble trak, air track, trampoline, and floor during class time. All Beginner Tumbling classes meet once a week for 60 minutes.


Intermediate Tumbling

In Intermediate Tumbling, students will have already mastered the basic tumbling skills and are now ready to be introduced to more complicated and intricate skills. At this level, students will be learning how to do back walk-overs, bridge walks, running front overs among other skills. All students need to have mastered the Advance Beginner Tumbling skills before moving to this level. All Intermediate Tumbling classes meet once a week for 60 minutes


Advanced Beginner Tumbling

In Advanced Beginner Tumbling, students will have already mastered the basic tumbling skills and are now ready to be introduced to more complicated and intricate skills. At this level, students will be learning how to combine some of their basic tumbling skills and learn a new set of floor and trampoline skills.  Some of the skills are Lunge round offs, forward straddle roll, back bends as well as many others.  All students need to have mastered the Beginner Tumbling skills before moving to this level. All Advanced Beginner Tumbling classes meet once a week for 60 minutes.


Advanced Tumbling

Advanced Tumbling is the highest level a student can reach in the Tumbling program at Mid Iowa Gymnastics. In Advanced Tumbling, students are able to complete most without a spot and will begin learning longer tumbling passes as well as twists. Students must have mastered all skills and Intermediate Tumbling and be evaluated by an Advanced Tumbling instructor. All Advanced Tumbling classes meet once a week for 60 minutes.


New to Mid Iowa Gymnastics?

If you have not previously attended any classes or events here at Mid Iowa Gymnastics, please click on the “Register” button next to the class you would like to sign up for and follow the registration instructions.

Returning to Mid Iowa Gymnastics?

If you have attended one of our events or classes here at Mid Iowa Gymnastics before, please log in to the Member Portal before registering for any classes. Once logged in to the Member Portal, click on the “Enroll” tab at the top of the portal and follow the registration instructions.

Any questions?  > > >